London Marathon Load Up – Lake Vyrnwy Half

London Marathon Week 9 of 12


Mon – AM rest PM 1 @ 10:00m/m
tired all day. Tried to run PM, nope

Tue – AM 10tm @ 7:00m/m PM 2 @ 5:20m/m, 20 x 400m in 71 (1min rest), 2 x 300m in 48. 11 total
feel stiff getting out of bed but warmed up. Felt good in sessions, 71s coming easily

Wed – AM 5tm @ 7:00m/m PM 5tm @ 7:00m/m
Oh! Those 400ms were not as easy as I thought. Heavy today

Thu – AM 10tm @ 7:00m/m PM Canova Kms: 1km @ 3.25/ 1km @ 3.45 x 10. 13 total
Session with Tom, really enjoy it. 50 laps is a lot easier with company

Fri – AM 10tm @ 7:00m/m PM rest
Hot, bothered, tired and irritable. Burrito and beer helps

Sat – AM 10nb (no watch) PM rest
Sleep in till 9am, so nice. Easy, relaxing home day

Sun – AM 5 miles @ 5:55m/m, 4 @ 5:46, 3 @ 5:35, 2 @ 5:28, 1 @ 5:15 (1 mile float @ 6:30 between sets). 23 total PM 2nb (no watch)
Brill session with a good group and bike support. Was really hanging towards the end

Total: 101 miles. tm = treadmill, nb = nose breathing

It’s a no from me.

There is nothing quite like road racing to induce tiredness and fatigue. No other endurance sport has to deal with the full force of gravity. On Sunday’s half marathon, I was dealing with it 190 times a minute. With just 4mm of rubber separating me from the merciless tarmac, it get’s into your bones.

Monday morning I got out of bed feeling every inch of the 28 miles I had run the day before. Sometimes, even when you feel terrible, you can start your run, and your body can surprise you. So I showed up. I got my kit on, and tried to run. I managed a mile. There were not going to be any surprises on this day. So I stopped and walked home. I asked my body the question, and it’s reply? It’s a no from me.

I normally recommend getting out and seeing what your body gives you. Most of the time you will come round. But sometimes, it’s a no. Listen to your body. Let the schedule go for a day. Pushing through is risky, and usually where things start to go wrong.

I was happy with the decision as I managed to tick three big sessions off this week. It is in these weeks that the days between sessions matter most. Protein, sleep, hydration; simple force multipliers.

London Marathon Week 10 of 12


Mon – AM rest PM rest
Nice relaxing rest day

Tue – AM rest PM 3 @ 5:20m/m (30sec rest), 4 x 2k in 6.07 (3min rest), 4 x 100m in 14. 11 total
hyped for session and happy with execution. Head was scrambled though, couldn’t do anything today

Wed – AM rest PM 5 x mile in 5:15 (45sec rest). 6 total
In two minds as to whether or not to do this session. Went for it. Went well

Thu – AM 5tm @ 8:00m/m PM 5tm @ 8:00m/m
Tired. Took it very easy, watching Hard Knocks on tm

Fri – AM rest PM 5 progression. 8-6:00m/m 2x100m strides
Sposed to run AM, didn’t. Felt good PM

Sat – AM Penrhyn parkrun – 15.55. 10 total PM rest
Happy with parkrun. Perfect weather. Great to see Adam and Nick running well

Sun – AM Llyn Vyrnwy Half- 68.53. 20 total PM rest
Really enjoyed. Even the drive on the way there was stunning. That last mile though

Total: 62 miles. tm = treadmill, nb = nose breathing

What you want now Vs What you want most

This race was always scheduled in as a tune up, two weeks before London Marathon. The goal was to rehearse marathon pace, practise taking on gels. Get the moves firmly locked in before the Big Dance.

It is a stunning course, perfect in it’s simplicity. One lap round Llyn Vyrnwy. Almost completely flat. Tree cover throughout, with glimpses of the lake shining through. The race was loaded with talent, but I was resolute in my objective; marathon pace.

And this was going really well for 12 miles. I was really enjoying myself, feeling light and in control, skipping over the grippy tarmac.

Then I saw a runner up the road who was slowing. He was coming back to me but, at my current pace, I was probably not going to catch him.

But then, another voice is tempting me; ‘He’s really not far up the road, why don’t you just pick up the pace a teeny weeny bit, get past him, he probably won’t put up a fight.’

So that’s what I do. But, of course, as I overtake, he responds, and speeds up to match me. So I increase my pace again, so does he. And pretty soon, we are going at it, hammer and tong, down the final hill. I have gone from a very controlled marathon effort, to a flat out sprint. My final mile jumps from 5:20 to 4:40.

I cross the line in front, in 68.53. I’m happy with myself as we shake hands. But that feeling fades quickly. I know I lost control there, and let my ego take over.

The next day my calves are solid as rocks and it was that final mile burn up that caused it.

I could have easily pulled a muscle in that silly scrap that didn’t mean anything to anyone. Being tough is not about fighting every time, but picking your battles wisely. As brilliant as Lake Vyrnwy Half is, and I thoroughly recommend it to everyone, it is not London Marathon. It is not the event I’ve been training 12 weeks for.

What you want now Vs what you want most.


After finishing runner up last year, I was glued to the dot watching on Dragon’s Back Race 2022. Simon Roberts and I have become friends over the year since that epic duel (watch the documentary here). But I was surprised by how much I was routing for him as he got locked in a battle with 2 other guys for the lead. So many twists and turns, unfortunately Simon had to withdraw whilst in the lead, with a stress fracture. But that is the brilliantly brutal nature of this event. It deserves it’s growing popularity, as the multi day, mountain race is unique and compelling viewing. Fantastic footage from a competitor below…


Walking home after dropping kids at school and, for some reason, maybe inspired by my sister, who has started learning trapeze and is doing amazingly well, I decided to try and learn to whistle, loud, without fingers. Watched a Youtube video on it, and by the time I had got home, I could do it. Not very loud or dependable, but it’s coming. Very exciting moment for me, I’ve wanted this for 30 years. I am a man of many talents, it’s true, and this is one more. Does make me look like Robert De Niro though.

Check out my sponsors; I use them constantly, putting them through hell, they are the best there is.

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