
Valencia Marathon 2023

If I wanted to run sub 2:20 for the first time, I’d have to do something different. At my age, I also faced the law of diminishing returns. Time is not some made up construct in our heads. I’m older than I was. I don’t feel like I used to. I can’t run as smoothly, jump as high, recover as quickly.

So if you have to train harder just to stay the same, what do you have to do to improve?


London Marathon 2022

In the movie Gladiator, the evil Emperor Commodus confronts his nemesis, the noble warrior, Maximus, who is bound in chains. Commodus stabs Maximus in the ribs, then challenges him to a fight to the death.

Maximus is put in armour, to hide the blood, then released from his bonds. The two men are stood on a platform, which is raised from the dark under belly of the stadium up to the brilliant sunlight and chanting crowds of the arena floor.

As the thousands of spectators cheer, they know nothing of Maximus’ mortal wound. He must fight anyway. He reaches slowly for the floor and feels the dirt, steeling himself for battle.

…fast forward two thousand years, and here I am, the modern day gladiator, making my way through the crowds of Blackheath, towards my arena…

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London Marathon Load Up – Weeks 2 to 8

This week I set myself the challenge of nailing my long run. When you’re training for the marathon, the long run is the most important session of the week. Zooming round the track or parkrun is fine, but if you are too tired to get in a solid long run, your training is not as relevant as it could be. I got out of the habit of prioritising the long run the last few months. I needed to get back on it.

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