Become A Better Runner (without leaving the house)
If you want to be a better runner, without having to leave your own home, then peruse the below, while you contemplate your life of running, maybe with an ice cold drink and face to the sun.
if I can do it, so can you (maybe)
If you want to be a better runner, without having to leave your own home, then peruse the below, while you contemplate your life of running, maybe with an ice cold drink and face to the sun.
Saturday morning and it’s pretty good conditions for a race. Cool and sunny with light breeze. I am running for my club, Kent AC, at the National 12 Stage Road Relay Championships (catchy name hey!).
I get to bed around 11pm, wake up at 6am on Sunday morning to snow and gales. Driving through it for 2 hours to get to the Trafford 10k, I give myself every excuse in the world to turn back. But it is either this race, or 25 miles on the treadmill. And this seems marginally less terrible…
Sorry for any disruptions to russellrunner blog you may have found. I am trying to breathe some new life into it, but it is taking longer than I thought! It […]
Going about my business these past few weeks, I have been receiving random congratulations from people who saw me win Snowdonia Marathon on telly. Each time I grow an inch. My favourite 2 occasions here…
We climb Tryfan on Thursday morning. There is no sun. Yesterday was sunny, tomorrow will be sunny, but today is wet, cold and windy. After 30 minutes of non-stop protesting, they both realise I am not listening, and they do not complain again. Tryfan is mine and Nina’s favourite mountain, it cannot be walked up. You have to scramble and climb. The rocks are wet, both Theo and Isaac get cold hands, but they don’t complain. The way down is even more difficult, jarring and slippery. They just get on with it. I don’t have to teach a single thing. The mountain explains it all.