the Dentist & Van


snowdon summit1
I am not doing Snowdon Race this year, but I can still run up Snowdon, because it’s there

A very uneventful few weeks, dominated by toothache. A crown I had put in a few months ago has started pushing another filling down onto the nerve, which causes a lot of pain. On Tuesday I was at work, and the pain was so bad that I when I cut my thumb with a saw, it felt like a relief, the temporary distraction from the toothache. Exhausting level of pain, and scary. One morning my little girl was doing her cutest level best to cheer me up, and she couldn’t get so much as a smile out of me. It is sorted now.

Training has been abit listless. No race to focus on with Snowdon Race coming off the calendar for me. So just focusing on keeping the quality high and getting the miles up abit. Berlin Marathon build up starts soon.

Non-running related highlight of the week

Our New VAN!


Used to have an Amica. It was the worst car ever (I say that affectionately).

The 1ltr engine was so weak, I had to be at full momentum to climb the hill to our house, or else it would crawl up at 20mph, causing a big queue of angry cars behind.

On a wet day (and we live in the 3rd rainiest town in the UK) I had to spray the distributor cap with WD40 to get the thing to start.

One night, driving home from a race, it conked out completely while I was driving over a big puddle, and I had to push it to the other side. In the rain. At 2.30am. You can read all about that little adventure here

Now  I am officially a White Van Man, and I love it!

Best thing on the internet this week:

Brilliant race, but it’s what the guy says after he finishes…

link here

Thing I’m digging this week:

I know I know it is already a number 1, so I am late to the party, but just love this song, can’t stop playing it!

link here


4/6/2018 AM PM
Monday 5 @ 6min miling
Tuesday REST 10 x 400m in 65sec (2min rest). 2 x 200m in 29, 28. 10 miles total
 awful toothache, go to dentist
Wednesday REST REST
Thursday REST 10 miles, including 12 min flatout
Friday REST 1km in 3min then 1mile in 6min. x 2. 5 miles total
Saturday 10 @ 6min miling REST
Sunday 5 @ 6min miling  REST
TOTAL: 45 miles tm = treadmill
11/6/2018 AM PM
Monday 5 @ 6min miling
Tuesday REST 1mile in 6min then 1km in 3min. x2. 5 miles total
 Dentist appointment. Sorts problem
Wednesday REST 6 @ 6min miling
Thursday REST 10 miles, including 13min flatout
Friday REST 1 @ 6min miling
Saturday Bangor parkrun – 16.48 (rest 30min) 5km tempo – 16.40. 10 miles total REST
 parkrun with Owen
Sunday Snowdon. 10 miles total  REST
get up early to run mountain with Owen and Tom. Nap after!
TOTAL: 47 miles tm = treadmill