Back to Work

After a full month on the sofa with leg raised, I was abit fearful about going back to work. Sunday night it really hit me. What if I’m not fit enough? what if I make a big mistake?

I’m a builder, and often am having to do quite labour intensive things. Or things that require some serious thinking, or sometimes both at the same time. All between cups of tea, ofcourse.

Getting up in the dark to go to work this past week has been hard, I’m not going to lie. But I’ve loved it. Just the act of using my body for a purpose. Being out in the fresh air, meeting people, talking, PopMaster on Radio 2, simple things like that. If I didn’t have the onus of having to be in at work at a certain time, I think it would have taken me longer to recover from injury. As it is, I am feeling back in the groove again and enjoying life with two fully functioning legs.

I believe in never adding more than one stress per week. So last week I started work. This week I will start running. I did do a few runs on my new treadmill last week. It seemed my fitness had not totally deserted me, 7min miling felt very comfortable. Well, I thought to myself, I have been doing planks every day. I got my dad to help me measure the actual speed of the treadmill with a wheel. It turns out I was running closer to 9min miling. That was more than a little bit depressing, I can tell you.

view from the office on a Monday morning

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