
Penrhyn parkrun

I had wanted to go for my local parkrun record last weekend. When I arrived at Penrhyn Castle, I was told it was cancelled due to a power cut. Driving out of there, I was told it was back on, but I couldn’t turn my motivation back on quick enough. 


Reading Half

You often know in the first mile how the race is going to go, first mile is 5.01, race will go well. We run a few miles up hill, but the wind is on our backs. The road levels out and I find myself picking up stragglers already.


Trafford 10k

I get to bed around 11pm, wake up at 6am on Sunday morning to snow and gales. Driving through it for 2 hours to get to the Trafford 10k, I give myself every excuse in the world to turn back. But it is either this race, or 25 miles on the treadmill. And this seems marginally less terrible…