Cheshire 10km

Strange week for everyone I think. I just hope aliens don’t invade in the next four years, it will be so embarrassing when they demand an audience with the most powerful man in the world. Cheshire 10km came up just 2 weeks after Snowdonia Marathon, had no idea what to expect. Standing on the starting line in cold and rain feeling kinda ‘blah’, so was really happy with 4th place and 31.23. Good sharpener for bigger target of Conwy Half next week. Relaxing Sunday with Nina’s family. Was sposed to march them all up a mountain after my run, but we did feet up, papers and coffee instead.


31/10/2016 AM PM
Monday 4 tm 6 tm + 15min ex
Tuesday 4 tm 6 tm
Wednesday 4 tm 5x1km @3min (3min rest)
Thursday 4 tm 6 tm
Saturday Cheshire 10km – 31.23 (10 total) REST
Sunday 9 @ 5.40 miling. 5 warm up 6
the evening run in dark and rain was miserable, but a 70 mile week much better than 64!
TOTAL: 70 miles.  tm=treadmill   ex=excersises