this is the BIG one

In a past life as a track athlete I used to be injured all the time. It felt like I was constantly on the massage table. It became a stigma. I now avoid physios, anti-inflammatories, sport tape, ice packs etc because they just remind me of those days.

But after 13 weeks of training hard for a single event, it is looking dangerously like I might not get through the big race. My calf has been troubling me for the past 3 weeks, and it is not letting me run at any speed. So bank holiday Monday I check in to see a Sports Therapist (leaving my ego at the door). Cerys is very good, she reassures me it is inflamed rather than torn, and does enough to loosen it off without bruising.

The 3 days at work are spent up a triple ladder, very exposed, replacing gutters and fascia. I don’t have a fear of heights, but it is quite exhausting. Every small move has to be so slow and deliberate, the consequences of a slip being unforgiving. When climbing down the ladders I get ‘disco leg’, where the legs tremble to their own rhythm.

Relaxing day Friday staying with my parents in London. I go to the expo to pick up number. There is an amazing treadmill there, massive, set to the speed of last year’s marathon winner (male or female), and people have a go at staying on as long as possible. There were about a hundred people cheering on the participants as they struggle to keep up with the mind-boggling pace, I watch a woman throwing the kitchen sink at it, we are all cheering her as loud as we can, the spectacle is incredible, she looks like a fit runner, but she lasts 58 seconds.

Saturday I spend either in bed or on the sofa all day, binge watching amazing boxset called The Night Of. Stuffing myself with carbs after having stayed off them all week. Calf feeling good and I am feeling ready for the big day.

Race Report to follow shortly…

17/4/2017 AM PM

10st 4

Physio appointment REST

10st 5

6 6

10st 4

REST 1 mile – 5.17, 2x(4x150m) – 22sec (30sec/4min rest), 2 miles – 11.20. 7 miles total
 happy to get through some speed work with no calf pain

10st 1

3 Drive to London

9st 12

v easy, calf loose

9st 13

3 miles + 10x100m strides REST
 carb loading

10st 2

London Marathon. 40th – 2.22.37  REST
TOTAL: 62 miles