Wrexham Marathon


Before a performance, Elvis Presley would always have his dressing room parked exactly 1000 yards away from the stage. He would walk out of his trailer towards theater and use the distance to get himself into his zone, eliminate everything else going on in his life, and be fully ready and hyped up for his show.

Driving from our house to Wrexham Marathon was a 90min journey through Snowdonia. This was my 1000 yard walk…

The week had been a whirlwind of stress and bad luck. On Thursday night my car had been broken into and nearly ruined by an attempted hot-wire. It meant a lot of time and energy trying and failing to get it fixed. And through the weekend our family would be down to one car, where both Nina and I were very busy with different commitments. Also I was really worried about the following week, and how I was going to get to work with no car.

Added to this, I had been feeling really fatigued lately, I pushed way too hard on Wednesday, and was paying the price. Been walking around feeling terrible, and no amount of sleep would help.

Waking up Sunday morning, still feeling rough, very low on confidence. I leave the house at 6.30am not feeling like running a marathon at all. I drive through the beautiful lakes and hills, as the sun was rising on a sparkling day, my mood starts to lift. Slowly I get myself in a positive mind set, and shut down the negative stressful thoughts.

The marathon goes as well as it possibly could have gone. I had planned to run 20 miles at 6min miling, and then see if I could pick up the pace from there, and not hit the wall. Daniel Weston, last years winner and very experienced ultra-runner, is aiming for 5.50 miling, so I decide to work together with him. It is fun, ticking through the miles in the beautiful sunshine, passing each other water and chatting away! At mile 18 Daniel starts to feel it abit, so I push on. At this point we are running through the 20 mile and half marathon racers, so I have plenty of company.

Last year this was my first ever marathon and I hit the wall hard at mile 20. This year at the same point, Rob Samuel comes past me, on his way to winning the half, it helps to tow me along and my last 6 miles I am feeling great and running faster.

Finish feeling just fine, infact feel better than when I had started. I did the whole thing with no gels (forgot them in the car) and didn’t feel close to hitting wall. The event has done wonders for my confidence and state of mind. Impeccably organised by RunWales and a great idea to have all 3 races finish at the same time. Thanks to all the volunteers and spectators (especially the girl who gave me 3 jelly babies!).

6/3/2017 AM PM
Monday REST 11 tm
Tuesday 7 tm speed work with Hebog Fell Runners. 5 miles total
Wednesday 7 tm 7 x 1km in 3min (2.30 rest). 9 miles total
hard day labouring at work. Should’ve moved session, went well but dug deep
Thursday REST 12 tm
Friday 6 REST
 feel awful am, Wednesday catching up with me. Miss pm run trying to sort car
Saturday Dolgellau parkrun – 16.37. 6 miles total REST
feel awful in parkrun. Volunteer RunCoedyBrenin Academi. Skip pm run
Sunday Wrexham Marathon – 1st. 2.32.00. 30 miles total  REST
26.2 miles in  5.47 pace
TOTAL: 93 miles. tm = treadmill