Ladywell 10,000m. 2019

Being led round by the mighty V45 Chris Greenwood, 2nd fastest GB all time (and still a massive fan of my blog)

I am driving on the way to the race when an extremely rare white rhino steps onto the road, so I swerve, lose control, and smash through a barrier, off the Golden Gate bridge and into the river, where I have to break free from my sinking Delorean (purple) and swim to the bank, chased all the way by robot piranhas. I make it to the race just in time, but I’m a bit tired and wet. 

I dropped out of the Ladywell 10,000m yesterday. I don’t want to bother you with the excuses. I’m not living the life that lends itself to exciting blog posts right now. But it’s a life that, hopefully, will lead to much more exciting blog posts in the future. What you want now VS What you want most. And all that bollocks. 

Still, it was great to be part of my club’s amazing event, which is growing from strength to strength. The buzz of the evening was really warm and I was very proud of how well it was run. Beer, music, pizza, 800+ adoring fans, and some speedy racing. Massive thanks to all the volunteers who got it going, especially Dave Morgan, the head honcho. 

Also, it was nice to finally meet CEO of Noble-Pro treadmills, Stefan, who very kindly came all the way to watch me drop out of a race. Ouch! 

Cardiff Half Marathon is 5 weeks away. No excuses. I promise.

the red top matches my embarrassed face

2 thoughts on “Ladywell 10,000m. 2019

  1. We’ve all dropped out of races before – whether before or during – hopefully the next 5 weeks all goes to plan and we can expect a great write up – all the best

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